The Tree Died of Grief (Epiphany Late, but still on time) by Brian Walsh Some years ago I was in Guatemala with a group of students that I was teaching in the Creation Care Studies Program in Belize.
Urban Ministry :: Looking for a Place to Call Home This article was originally published in The Banner ( by Brian Walsh It didn’t make any sense.
Kicking at the Darkness :: A Book Review On April 16th, Byron Borger, bookseller extraordinaire, published this review of Brian’s “Kicking at the Darkness: Bruce Cockburn and the Christian Imagination” on his booknotes blog.
Two Parades, One City and Holy Saturday Brian Walsh (On March 31 I spoke to the Southwestern Ontario regional conference of StreetLevel.
Holy Week and Dismantling Atomic Bombs The pilgrims on the Jericho road always sang the same song as they made their way to Jerusalem on the first day of Passover Week.
A Pastoral Letter for Holy Week 2012 (Every year Brian writes a pastoral letter to the Wine Before Breakfast community at the University of Toronto in which he calls the community to be intentional about keeping Holy Week.
The Hunger Games and the Gospel: an endorsement by Brian Walsh Just this week, as the Hunger Games movie premiers around the world, a fine little ebook has been published by Patheos Press called The Hunger Games and the Gospel.
Waiting for a Miracle/Overturning the Tables Wine After Dinner | Church of the Redeemer, Lent 3 | John 2.13-22 You can find the full liturgy here.
“Seeing in the Dark” Audio Back in September 2011, Trinity College, Church of the Redeemer, The Gateway and Imago hosting a conversation about Faith and Film.
Lent, the City and Philippians by Brian Walsh From the book of Revelation, back to Genesis, into the Torah, through the monarchy and then on to Isaiah with his prophecies of judgement, exile and return, the Wine Before Breakfast community has spent the last number of months meditating on a biblical vision of the city.
Glory and Canopy: Hope for a New City A Wine Before Breakfast Meditation on Isaiah 4.2-6 by Brian Walsh It always comes back to creation and exodus.
Urban Filling and Urban Judgment by Brian Walsh A meditation on Isaiah 2.5-22 Culture is not optional.
Pacing the Cage: The Prophetic Hope of Bruce Cockburn by Brian Walsh Republished with permission from Sunset is an angel weeping Holding out a bloody sword No matter how I squint I cannot Make out what it’s pointing toward These lines, from Bruce Cockburn’s hauntingly beautiful song “Pacing the Cage,” have been my constant companions as I have been reflecting on the year that was and the year that is to come.