Six Feet I watched them digging a grave for me it was more than a metaphor that spacious interior six feet below grade.
It all Begins in Joy It all begins in joy and to joy it all returns. Yet in between, a thousand deaths each day.
Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery How might we come together to dismantle the ongoing effects of the Doctrine of Discovery in the church and in the world?
God Still Breathes A reflection on 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2 for Ash Wednesday. Before we get to the hard stuff, Before we rightly acknowledge before God and one another our brokenness, sin, and unrighteousness, Lest we allow ourselves to wallow in the pit of shame and guilt.
Because Grace An excerpt of a reflection on John 2:1-11 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie, originally preached at St.
Life Chooses Life A reflection on Luke 3:15-22 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie. Originally preached at St Brigids Vancouver.
In Name Alone Not wishing to impose Divine will upon them, God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity. A Christian nation in name alone.
Happy Are They Who Trust in Her Happy are they who trust in Her, for it is her powerful womb in which we live and move and have our being.
Weeping, Confession, Resistance Without weeping we’ll never get to confession, and without confession we’ll never build an effective resistance.
The Kingdom of God is an Invasive Species The kingdom of God is plucky. It will not be rooted out. It will provide sustenance and home for those you’ve ignored, and those you've pushed to the side.
Revoicing the Psalms: Psalm 3 A day is coming // and that day has surely come // when the beat of the accusers // will be drowned out by // the rhythm of love.
Revoicing the Psalms: Psalm 2 The God who has died a thousand deaths / will die a thousand more / each time embracing the grave / as one more chance to love. // Revoicing Psalm 2