Episode 3: Housing for Homefulness – New Opportunities in Canada Housing with security, peace and dignity ought to be a fundamental right for all people everywhere. And yet, in Canada, we are far from that goal. So: where have we been, where are we now, and where might we be headed? And, what's the church's role in all of this?
Episode 2: Building for Indigenous Homefulness What are the most significant factors contributing to a lack of homefulness amongst Indigenous people in Canada? In this episode, we hear from the Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne, Executive Director of First United Church's Social Housing Society.
Episode 1: Home is Where the Wild Rice Is "What happens when the aspirations of home and homemaking for one people is predicated on the destruction of home for another people?" That's the question at the heart of Dr. Sylvia Keesmaat's talk in this episode.
Homefulness Podcast In the face of a systemic homelessness that has economic, social, public health, cultural, spiritual, and ecological manifestations, how might we develop more holistic and integrated policies and practices for deeper homefulness in our communities?
Coming Home to Unacknowledged Grief Just over a year ago, Marcia, Amanda and I presented “A Sort of Homecoming” to Brian Walsh for the first time.
Tackling the Housing Crisis (Pt 6) What are some success stories of the Church taking action on housing and homelessness?
Tackling the Housing Crisis (Pt 5) How does the Church bring theologically grounded principles into conversation in a pluralistic society?
Tackling the Housing Crisis (Pt 4) Does a theology of housing require an eschatology of new creation?
Tackling the Housing Crisis (Pt 3) How do the five housing principles - sustainable, safe, stable, social, satisfying - map onto the biblical story?
Tackling the Housing Crisis Together (Pt 2) The theology and biblical vision of housing: why, what, and so what?
Tackling the Housing Crisis Together (Pt 1) Preparatory to our symposium "Beyond Housing to Homefulness," Brian Walsh and Michael Shapcott talk housing and homelessness with Bishop Graham Tomlin in seven segments.
The Trouble with the Third Slave A reflection on Matthew 25:14-31 for St. Andrew’s Anglican Church in Trail, BC.
Love’s Percussive Proclamation I saw the Lord spitting on the altar, spray can in hand, scrawling verse after verse of invective poetry at a people, a nation, of ill-begotten gains...
Before whiteness, there was breath A reflection on John 20:19-23 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie When he had said this, Jesus breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.