An Election Prayer: Too Late for America? It is too late to pray for this election. Is it too late to pray for the United States? Is it too late for America?
Hanging on For Dear Life We find Jesus on the side of the road, I can only imagine stunned, at the sight of the wide-eyed rich man hanging on to the tree for dear life
“Law and Order” and the Ten Commandments Are the ten commandments the foundation of “law and order” or its deconstruction? Are they words of repression or liberation? Do they impose a restrictive law “written in stone” as it were, or are they a call to a life of covenantal faithfulness? Do they legitimate blind and patriotic obedience to the state, or are they a radical word of revolution and civil disobedience?
The God whose name isn’t God This God, He reserves the right to define himself on his own terms. This God, She moves in mysterious ways. This God will not fit into a gendered box, or any other box for that manner. This God shatters any boxes we try to put around them.
Hidden Wholeness by Andrew Stephens-Rennie There’s this nagging feeling that has risen up lately after many of my recent posts, and it goes something like this: Why are you spending so much time focusing on individual healing?
Promise, Reality and Crying Out There is something about groaning and crying out that is at the very heart of covenantal life. Somehow, the Spirit is deeply active in such groaning...
Beloved Mess Before any of us discovered our own failings or contradictions, we were God's beloved. We are God's beloved to this day.
Beloved We are God's beloved, called to acknowledge that belovedness in ourselves, and to help reveal that belovedness in one another.
Time to Run So let’s run, friends. Let’s keep our ears open for the cloud of witnesses. And what’s even more important, Let’s keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the Pioneer and Perfector of our faith, he’s out in front and also bringing up the rear, Christ before us, Christ behind us.
Galatians: A Costly Welcome Saint Paul demands to know: Is Christ's welcome for everyone, or not? Who is welcome to join the movement? And at what cost?"
The “Pulse” of Habakkuk Woe to you who heap up what is not your own. Woe to you who heap up the bodies of LGBTQ folks, sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers, lovers and friends.
We Had Hoped :: An Easter Reflection I want to have an answer for the hope that is within me. I want to live in greater hope. But I'm stuck with Cleopas and his companion on the road.
Good Friday in Six Voices Fear and paranoia spread like cancer and that small act of burial may cost me my reputation, my membership, who knows? maybe my life. It doesn’t matter. It had to be done. I needed to plant that seed in the earth.
Fully Immersed in Holy Week Each year drags me kicking and screaming into Holy Week. It’s a week I wish I could forget, ignore, or otherwise skip.
Pastoral Letter for Holy Week: Prayers, Tears, Funerals and Feasts Sisters and brothers: Sometimes things don’t turn out the way you hoped they would.