Evangelicalism as the Gates of Hell? What if the church is the Gates of Hell? What if the church in the United States is no longer raiding the gates of hell, but have easily walked in? What if the church in the United States is now so apostate, that the Gates of Hell have indeed prevailed against the church?
Celtic Soul at the End of a Very Bad Week What we have seen in the last week, and what Isaiah saw in the ruins of Israel is the failure of imagination, the inability to imagine life radically different from the status quo.
An Election Prayer: Too Late for America? It is too late to pray for this election. Is it too late to pray for the United States? Is it too late for America?
Truth, Elections and the Spirit [A meditation on John 15.26-16.15 for Wine Before Beer, August 25, 2015] In one of his most memorable quotes, philosopher Richard Rorty once said, “Truth is what your contemporaries let you get away with.”
Income Splitting & Jubilee He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.
Good News for the Poor? by Rachel Tulloch Watching the recent debate between Canadian party leaders, I was disappointed but not surprised that the issue of poverty was essentially ignored.
Authenticity by Andrew Stephens-Rennie I know it’s probably too much to ask for, but could we get a little authenticity?
When the Middle Class Aren’t by Ericka Stephens-Rennie If someone asked you where you’d place yourself on the income spectrum from low to middle to high, what would you say?
Contempt, the Commons and Justice: Two Economies by Brian Walsh Kentucky poet, farmer, essayist, novelist and profoundly wise man, Wendell Berry once said that there were two kinds of economy: There is the kind of economy that exists to protect the “right” of profit, as does our present public economy; this sort of economy will inevitably gravitate toward the protection of the “rights” of those who profit most.
Jesus on the Campaign Trail by Brian Walsh When Jesus was on the campaign trail he made his platform clear from the outset.
Voting for Resurrection by Andrew Stephens-Rennie Election day is coming, and I’m ready to predict that somebody’s gonna get crucified.
If Poverty Really Matters… by Greg Paul Greg Paul is the founder and Executive Director of Sanctuary Ministries in Toronto, Ontario and is also pastor of the Sanctuary community.
The Poor Are Everywhere Earlier today, Michael Shapcott tweeted “the poor are everywhere – except in Canada’s Federal Election.”
Jesus and Taxation by Brian Walsh The political rhetoric is all so predictable. The Liberals or NDP announce some new policy initiative and the Conservatives cry that these initiatives will mean tax increases for “Ordinary Canadians.”